Monday, November 21, 2011

Same Stuff - New Place

In an attempt to become a more regular blogger, I decided to begin blogging under a new address.  Hopefully this will inspire me to write down and share some of the things that I find myself thinking, "Hey, I should blog about that!"  My "plan" is to post at least once every one or two weeks.

So, stay tuned...   (and if anyone out there is following me, THANKS!)

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, What an amazing woman you are. I am Kathy Zimmerman, I went to Maranatha Church where your parents went. I am also Adam Bach's mother, and you my son Paul in school a few years back. He really enjoyed that year. I am so sorry for what all you have been through. I lost my parents both within 6 months of each other in July 2010 and jan. 2011. I still have rough days. I was very close to them. They say it is a different kind of feeling when you lose a spouse or child. You have been so strong. God has helped me many days. My daughter Heidi McMillan, I think you know her, she has a teachers degree. She had a baby on Oct. 24, 2010, Children are a blessing from God, my children have brought me so much joy in my life. My twins are now 6 years old. Heidi is a teacher's assist. so I watch her little boy every day, which keeps me busy. I would love to see a picture of your little girl. What are your plans in the future? Do you think you will go back to work? It is nice to stay at home with your kids. They grow up so fast. I will be praying for you and your daughter. I love her name. Love in Christ, Kathy
