Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Goals

I am linking up with Five Days...Five Ways and posting my 2012 goals.  They are not really resolutions (I'm not a fan of the word 'resolution' because resolutions are so often broken), but they are things that I would like to accomplish this upcoming year.

1.  Catch up on Carolyn's Baby Book, Scrapbook, and Photo Albums
  • I was doing very well with this at first, but now I am way behind - like 14 or so months behind!  Yikes!!! 
  • Then the photo albums....I had been putting the photos in as soon as I got them developed, but then I found some pregnancy ones that I wanted to put in the very beginning.  So I have to take an entire album worth of photos back out and start over.  Not only that, I need to write the descriptions of each of them.  It is a good thing that I have a good memory!!!  At least, I used to?!

2.  Spend more time in the Bible.
  • I will admit that this is a really hard thing for me.  It always has been.  I'm not a morning person, so I don't get up very easily.  I try to read at night, but I end up falling asleep.  So I am going to TRY, TRY, TRY to do better.  Anything would be better than what I am doing now!
  • It would help if my eighteen month old would sleep through the night and wake up at around the same time each morning!  (That is my goal for Carolyn!  I'll have to let her know about that when she wakes up for the first time tonight - which could be at any time now!  Teething is a nightmare at my home!!!)

3.  Get my spring cleaning completed in the SPRING this year!!!
  •  Groan!!!  I dread the thought!  But, I am hoping that I am able to begin my cleaning in April or so and be done by June! 

4.  Stop worrying about things that "could" happen and just spend time in the "now."
  • This is a hard one for me.  I am constantly thinking of the "what-ifs."  What if I can't get a job?  What if something happens to someone I love?  What if someone buys that land that I so desperately want, but costs WAY too much?  What if our country fails?  What if? What if? What if?  The list goes on and on and on.
  • I am constantly reminding myself that God has a plan.  But, I always turn right back around and worry anyways.

5.  Sew.
  • I can sew - a little bit.   I can use a sewing machine - a little bit.  I can sew patches, buttons, hand stitch, sew squares together, and simple stuff.  But, I want to learn how to follow patterns and sew clothing.  My mom made practically all of my dresses as a kid, my prom dress, and my wedding dress.  I would love to be able to do that for Carolyn.  But considering that fact that I am 29 and my mom started sewing clothes as a teen, I am WAY behind! 
  • This was a goal that I set for myself last year.  I planned to make Carolyn's Christmas dress for her this year.  Nope!  Didn't happen!!!  So, I am going to try again for 2012.

Well, that's it!!!  There are many other things that I would like to accomplish this year, but I have a terrible habit of making my lists too big and never being able to cross everything off.  I'll start with these five and maybe I'll be able to add some more as the year progresses.  Maybe this time next year, I'll be able to look back and say that I accomplished all of these.  Who knows?!

Happy New Year!!!


  1. Wow, lady, that is ambitious! I'm pretty sure I stopped doing these goals because I never completed them! ha!

    1. I know!!! I'm trying very hard, but there is always something else that HAS to get done. Will I ever get my daughter's baby book, scrapbook, and photo albums done??? At the rate I'm going, I'm going to forget what happened!!!
